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Andy Darrel Gomes is a director, writer, actor and educator in theatre and films.


A graduate in English Linguistics & Performing Arts from Universiti Putra Malaysia, some of his stage works include numerous Theatre of the Oppressed performances under Project Spect-Actor (2017-2018) and "Tiga" supported by Five Arts Centre (2016/2017).


In cinema, he works predominantly as a writer and actor. "My Ba's Radio" (2017) was screened at Short Shorts Film Festival, Japan before winning Best Film at the Mantova Lovers film festival, Italy."Hawa" (2016) won the grand prize and "Mindframe" (2022) won the Jury Special Mention at BMW Shorties. As an actor, he appeared in "Ola Bola" (2016) and "Aqerat (We the Dead)" (2017).


His recent endeavours include developing a mode of filmmaking "Transitional Cinema", providing the blu-ray commentary for Tsai Ming Liang's "Rebels of the Neon God" (Vinegar Syndrome) and for Yeo Joon Han's "Sell Out" (Kani Releasing). He currently lectures at Sunway University and Multimedia University, Malaysia. 


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